Guilt-Free Desserts: Healthy Treats For Healthy Living

Just because you’re on a health kick and trying to feed your body with healthy and nutritious meals doesn’t mean you have to skip out on tasty treats. Here are four desserts that are a perfect fit for your new healthy living lifestyle.  

Greek Yogurt And Berry Parfait 

Perfect for any time of the day, this greek yogurt and berry parfait is the perfect blend of sweet and savory wrapped into one.  


Honey Greek Yogurt 



Honey Almond Granola 


Using tall containers or glass mason jars, layer the yogurt, blueberries, strawberries, and honey almond granola. Follow that pattern until the jar or container is filled to the top, and enjoy this sweet yet protein-packed dessert!  

Dark Chocolate Avocado Mousse 

This may sound like a strange combination, but don’t knock it till you try it! Avocados are packed with healthy fats that benefit our health in multiple ways, making this chocolate mousse incredibly luscious and delicious.  


Ripe Avocados 

Dark Chocolate Chips 

Cocoa Powder 


Blend the ripened avocados with melted dark chocolate chips until smooth. Add the cocoa powder and honey and blend until combined. This mousse is super tasty, filled with antioxidants, and has much less sugar than the traditional dessert.  

No Bake Energy Bars  

These energy bars are high in protein, healthy fats, and fiber, making them an amazing pick-me-up and a sweet treat to smash that chocolatey sweet craving.  


Rolled Oats 

Almond Butter or Peanut Butter 


Mixed Nuts 

Chia Seeds 

Flax Seeds 

Mini Chocolate Chips  

Combine all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Once the mixture is thoroughly blended, form into bars onto a parchment paper or silicone mat lined baking sheet and leave them in the fridge to firm up and keep their shape. From there, you can pack them as a snack or enjoy them anywhere you want a sweet treat.  

Banana Oat Cookies  

These cookies are blended with all whole foods to give you all the nutritious benefits while still tasting delicious. With much fewer calories and sugar than a traditional cookie, these make you feel like you’re eating a conventional baked dessert while being sneakily healthy. 



Rolled Oats 






Baking Powder 


Dark Chocolate Chips   

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Mix the mashed bananas, milk, eggs, salt, vanilla, and honey in a bowl. Combine oats, baking powder, cinnamon, and dark chocolate chips in a separate bowl. Combine the wet and dry mixers, scoop onto a lined cookie sheet, and bake until golden.   

Wrapping Up Guilt-Free Desserts  

Just because you’re trying to cut out some unnecessary sugar or just started eating a bit of a healthier diet doesn’t mean you have to ditch your favorite sweets. With some easy switches and sugar alternatives, you’ll have amazing desserts everyone can enjoy.  

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