The Best Homemade Yeast Bread Recipe For Beginner Bakers

Bread may seem a bit intimidating to beginner bakers, but honestly, once you have the proper technique, the right ingredients, and the best step-by-step guide (the one you’ll find here), you’ll be baking all your sandwich bread before you know it, using menial time and effort and saving you on that ever-growing grocery bill!  

Ingredients And Equipment:   

Ingredients Needed 

4 – 5 Cups All Purpose Flour 

1 Tablespoon Dry Active Yeast  

¼ Cup Honey or Sugar  

2 ½ Teaspoons Salt 

2 Tablespoons Oil  

2 Cups Warm Water 

Equipment Needed

You don’t need the best high-end mixers or top-notch equipment to make the most delicious baked bread—all you need are the following: 

Large Mixing Bowl  

Wooden Spoon 

Measuring Cups and Spoons  

Clean Kitchen Towel 

Bread Pan  

How To Bake The Best Yeast Bread: Step-By-Step: 

Step 1 

Add warm water, yeast, and sugar to a large mixing bowl. Stir and allow the mixture to rest on the counter undisturbed for 5 to 10 minutes or until the top becomes foamy and bubbly.  

Step 2 

In another large mixing bowl, add flour, salt, oil, and the yeast mixture. Mix until a shaggy dough begins to form.  

Step 3 

Transfer the dough onto a floured surface and knead for 5 to 10 minutes. The dough should be soft and bounce back when touched. If it is too wet and sticky, add a bit more flour—if it is too dry, knead in more water.  

Step 4 

Place the dough ball in a greased mixing bowl. Cover with a kitchen towel and allow to rise in a warm location for 1 to 2 hours or until doubled in size.  

Step 5  

Punch the dough down and shape it into a loaf. Place the shaped dough into a greased loaf pan and allow it to prove (rise) a second time. This could be anywhere from an hour to two or until doubled in size.   

Step 6  

Bake for 20 to 30 minutes in a 375-degree oven. The top should be golden brown, and the bottom, when tapped, should sound hollow.   

Step 7  

Allow the bread to completely cool on a wired rack before slicing into it. Enjoy!  

Pro Tips: 

Here are some excellent tips to remember while baking, especially bread!  

  1. Always measure correctly. Baking is a science that requires the proper measurements to form a cohesive final product. 
  2. Temperature control. When adding warmed water to your yeast, the water should be around 110 degrees. Any warmer could kill the yeast and cause your bread not to rise. 
  3. When proving your dough, ensure it is in a warm location, free from drafts and temperature fluctuations, for the best rise possible.  

Wrapping Up The Best Homemade Yeast Bread For Beginner Bakers  

There you have it! A simple yeast bread that is perfect for sandwiches, toast, or anything else. It is simple to make, inexpensive, and will be your new Sunday morning routine in no time!  

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